

Features Added:

- Build-in programs will save you a lot of time, you can find them on the MuteControl and VolumeControl features. (In the next update they will also work in program groups)

- Smart Control: With smart Control you can only control volume, if your slider/knob is close to the value of the volume you're controlling.

- Set Audio Device feature

- Color guiders for CustomDevices

- Active Color

- Logarithmic functions for CustomDevices

- Refresh Functioanlity panel button

- Tooltips

- The remaining 12 F keys have been added to the following features: 'Keyboard', 'Keyboard - Advanced' and 'Combination Keys'.

- You can now type in the comboboxes for the following features: 'Keyboard', 'Keyboard - Advanced' and 'Combination Keys'


- Tutorials can now be found in the top menu.

- Removed mode info button.

- Changes to functionality panel.

- Fixed some spelling mistakes.

- To avoid misunderstandings: the 'Input Select' panel is now blocked when you start MidiManager with no devices connected.

- CustomDeviceCreator: You can now use Ctrl + S to save.

- Force Setup FunctionalityPanel option.

- Force Load Audio devices option.

- Removed failed projects, saving about 17 Mb in file size.

- CustomDeviceCreator button now matches your color settings.

- Added reminder that MidiManager needs to be restarted for your changes in the 'CustomDeviceCreator' to take effect.

- 'Control master volume' got a lot of bug fixes and won't be conciderd an alpha feature anymore

- Typing in comboboxes that don't register typing is now disabled, to make this more understandable.

- 'RemoveProgramForm', 'AddProgramAdvancedForm' and 'EditProgramGroupsForm' now wait for the main form to load before shuting down.

- Small changes to message that's displayed when you can update MidiManager.

- You can't set the IdleColor and PressColor to 'NotSet' anymore.

- When you close the 'Advanced Keyboard' panel, the main panel now gets automatically reloaded.

- Console doesn't start on startup by default.

- CustomDeviceCreator: better way to load the last saved version of device layout.

- MidiManager Master Updater now also has the MidiManager 2.0 logo.

- When there is a new update available, a window will pop up instead of a message box.

- Custom devices are now matching your color settings.

Bug Fixes:

- Bug for custom devices with no LEDs

- Combination Keys are not working

- Help form can be duplicated

- The box where you select audio clips, sometimes contains hidden album cover files.

- CustomDevices: If you accidentally configure 2 inputs as the same and restart, MidiManager will not be able to launch.

- CustomDevices: New profile does not work

- CustomDevices: Remove profile does not show custom device profiles

- CustomDeviceCreator: MidiManager sometimes loses count on if the inputs are configured

- When you try to change the volume of your capture device, sometimes MidiManager crashes.

- You can't create a custom device without buttons

Developer Updates:

- Added pop-out console

- Added more console logs


MidiManager.zip 16 MB
Aug 06, 2021