

Features Added:

- OBS feature Source visibility: Toggle sources on and off in OBS.

- MidiManager's interface scales with screen size and scale settings. (can be turned off in settings)

- Automatic reconnect for custom devices (can be turned on in the settings)


- Color changes, the new colors are added to the build-in appearance profiles.

- NewUpdateForm uses more understandable word for "deprecated".

- Added numpad keys and windows key to keyboard simulation.

- Default keyboard simulation type is now "Emulation".

- Added a button that leads to the MidiManager website

- Apps for 'App Command' feature are now sorted alphabetically.

- Most used commands for 'App Command' are now at the top of the list.

- Dark text adn copy button on CrashLog are now better visable.

- Added some missing tooltips.

- Added tooltips for OBS

- minimum Automatic reconnect reconnect delay increased from 1.000 to 10.000

- Automatic reconnect sets all lights to idle when connecting a new device.

- CustomDeviceCreator now shows an warning if you have two or more buttons binded to the same id.

- Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V shortcuts are changed to Ctrl + Shift + A, Ctrl + Shift + C, Ctrl + Shift + V to avoid problems with copy-pasting text.

Bug Fixes:

- You can bind features that use A.S.S. and then turn the A.S.S. off, this would result in crashes.

- Custom Devices: If you press a button that it not setup in the device creator, MidiManager crashes.

- The form that shows that there is a new update available does not resond untill MidiManager is launched.

- If you delete the Default profile folder in the file system without deleting the "profiles" folder, MidiManager can not lauch.

- You can not disable tooltips.

- When you lauch MidiManager with a complete custom device, but then change the device in the CustomDeviceCreator in a way that makes it non complete, you will still see it in the main interface after closing the CustomDeviceCreator.

- Automatic reconnect does not go back on after closing the CustomDeviceCreator

- Sometimes when you close the CustomDeviceCreator, a device shows up in the main interface that is not connected.